5 Ways to Incorporate MCT oil into your Foods
MCT oil for foods
1. Desserts and Treats
Substitute other oils and fats for MCT oil when you make your favourite desserts and treats! It not only has lower calories than other fats, it also will not turn solid at room temperature or in the fridge, so you would not have to take the extra step to melt it before using it for baking.
2. Salad Dressing
Add MCT oil into your salad dressings (or even substitute your existing dressing!). Especially if you’re using a simple oil and vinegar dressing, choose MCT oil over, or with, olive oil or avocado oil to transform your salad into a lower carb, fat-burning meal that boosts your energy.
3. Blend it
MCT oil is a perfect supplement for blended foods and drinks such as smoothies, shakes, pastes or soups. MCT oil if flavourless so it will not alter the taste of such food and drinks which has flavours that are especially sensitive to the condiments used. MCT oil also combines well with other supplements such as vitamins, collagen, bone broth protein and whey protein, helping you to readily absorb nutrient-dense food or beverages.
4. Addition to Your Morning Oats
Breakfast is known to be the most important meal of the day. It provides you with the required energy to perform, as well as curbing your ravenous appetite for the rest of the day to prevent overeating. Drizzling MCT oil over your breakfast, like oatmeal, will help to stimulate ketone production in your body which will increase your feelings of fullness and consequently help you to decrease your overall calorie consumption throughout the day.