Do you know why Vitamins and Minerals are essential ?
Importance of Vitamins and Minerals - An Introduction to Vitamins & Minerals .
Four keys to optimum Nutrition
Simply speaking , optimal means providing our bodies with the best possible nutrients for maintaining cellular wellness and function . To accomplish this , our diet must be such that it promotes the following :
1.Nutrient Diversity and abundance .
Consuming a variety of nutrients is necessary for optimal health . Different nutrients act together synergistically . For example , Vitamin C and Vitamin E fight free radicals much more effectively when incorporated from whole food sources rather than when taken separately as isolated supplements. Nutritional supplements such as green foods are a few such sources and contain natural complexity of whole foods.
2.Nutrient digestion and absorption .
Digestion and absorption of nutrients are critical to good health . Without good digestion , nutrients will not get absorbed into our bloodstream and delivered to our cells. Digestive enzymes and other nutrients help to keep our digestive tract operating efficiently and help us absorb nutrients.
3.Antioxidant protection against free radicals.
Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit oxidation and they protect our cells against the damage caused by free radicals.
During normal metabolism , oxygen containing molecules called free radicals are created in our body cells .
These free radicals also come from pollutants in the environment . Free radicals are derived either from normal essential metabolic processes or from external sources, such as exposure to ozone , x-rays, ozone, air pollutants, cigarette smoking, industrial chemicals, etc.
If free radicals are not inactivated, their chemical reaction can damage all cellular macro molecules including carbs , proteins, lipids and nucleic acids.
The destructive effect of free radicals may play a role in the causation of diseases , like cataracts.
The effect of free radicals on DNA cause cause cancer and its effect on LDL cholesterol is very likely responsible for heart disease. They are also responsible for ageing
It is important to take in large amounts of nutrients found in whole foods to help fight free radicals every day.
4.Gentle detoxification
Every day , we inevitably ingest destructive toxins such as pollutants and heavy metals from the environment . These poisonous toxins will gradually weaken our body tissues and lead to illness unless removed from our bodies on a daily basis . Green foods ( such as Spirulina) ,with high chlorophyll content , are excellent detoxifiers and help lessen the buildup of toxins.
An Introduction to Vitamins and Minerals - What are Vitamins and Minerals ?
Minerals and Vitamins are micronutrients essential to life , which is much needed in relatively small amounts , functioning as co-enzymes in our body . They are the basic component of enzymes which are necessary for all the functions of our body.
In addition , minerals and vitamins , have other functions . For example , Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant ; magnesium , calcium and phosphorus form our bones , and D Vitamin regulates the absorption and use of calcium and phosphorous, aiding in the formation of normal teeth and bones.
Minerals may be classified into 2 groups : bulk minerals and trace minerals . Bulk minerals are needed in larger amounts and they include magnesium , calcium and phosphorous; the trace minerals are iron , zinc , copper , chromium , manganese , selenium , potassium and iodine , which are stored primarily in bone and muscle tissue.
Sources , Importance , Nutrient destroyers & deficiencies of Vitamins .
Sources : Liver , green leafy vegetables , green and red bell peppers , fish liver oil , egg yolk .
Importance : Converted in our body into Vitamin A , which is essential for good night vision and eyesight , for bone formation and normal body growth of skin and teeth . Acts as an antioxidant.
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption inhibited by caffeine , mineral oil , alcohol , excessive iron & Vitamin D deficiency .
Deficiency symptoms : Night blindness , rough , dry , scaly , skin , increased susceptibility to infections , loss of appetite , fatigue , insomnia , depression , brittle nails and lackluster hair.
Sources : Whole grains , Liver , meat , eggs , nuts , beans , fish , brewer’s yeast.
Importance : Vitamin B Complex helps support Metabolism of carbohydrates , protein and fat . Vitamin B complex helps in nervous system function, it maintains healthy muscle tone in the intestinal tract , maintains hair, skin , eye, liver and mouth health.
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption inhibited by caffeine , tobacco , alcohol , sleeping oils , estrogen , drugs , antibiotics and stress.
Deficiency symptoms : Night blindness , rough , dry , scaly , skin , increased susceptibility to infections , loss of appetite , fatigue , insomnia , depression , brittle nails and lackluster hair.
Sources : Legumes , nuts , meat , whole grains , brewers’ yeast.
Importance : Carbohydrate metabolism . Thiamine helps maintain a healthy nervous system . Stimulates muscle tone and growth . Stabilizes appetite.
Nutrient destroyer : Absorption inhibited by caffeine , tobacco , alcohol , fever , raw clams.
Deficiency symptoms : GUT problems , fatigue , appetite loss , nervous disorders , cardiac problems.
Sources : Dark green leafy vegetables , Almonds , Eggs , organ meats , milk , mushrooms , seaweed .
Importance : Carbohydrate , protein and fat metabolism . Riboflavin aids in formation of antibodies and red blood cells. Maintains cell respiration .
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption inhibited by caffeine , alcohol , sugar and tobacco.
Deficiency symptoms: Cracks and Mouth sores , dermatitis , retarded growth and GUT disturbances.
Sources : Organ meats , brewer’s yeast , fish, legumes , whole grains.
Importance : Carbohydrate , protein and fat metabolism . Niacin helps maintain healthy skin , tongue and GUT . Improves circulation .
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption inhibited by caffeine , alcohol , sugar and antibiotics.
Deficiency symptoms : Insomnia , headaches , Nervous disorders , digestive disturbances , sore gums & mouth.
Sources : Egg yolk , organ meats , legumes , brewer’s meat , whole grains.
Importance : Release of energy from carbs , protein & fat. Pantothenic acid is needed for synthesis of steroids and steroid hormones . Improves stress resistance .
Nutrient destroyers: Absorption inhibited by caffeine , alcohol , and sugar .
Deficiency symptoms : Increased susceptibility to infection , gut disturbances , depression , fatigue , vomiting and restlessness.
Sources : Bananas , avocados , legumes , organ meats , brewer’s yeast , whole grains , fish.
Importance : Promotes metabolism of amino acids .Pyridoxine aids in the synthesis of antibodies. Helps maintain phosphorus and sodium balance.
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption inhibited by alcohol , birth control pills , tobacco , caffeine , radiation exposure .
Deficiency symptoms: Anemia , muscular weakness , mouth disorders , nervousness , dermatitis , dandruff and water retention .
Sources : Clams , organ meats , eggs , fish , crabs , oysters.Importance : Normal transmission of nerves. Vitamin B12 aids in fat transportation and metabolism. Helps regulate gallbladder and liver health.
Nutrient destroyers: Absorption inhibited by caffeine , alcohol , tobacco , and most laxatives.
Deficiency symptoms : Anemia , fatigue , stunted growth in children and nervousness.
Sources : Nuts , egg yolk , organ meats , brewers’ yeast , legumes .Importance : Metabolism of fatty acids , amino acids & carbohydrates. It is involved in energy generation . Biotin aids utilization of other B Vitamins . Helps in hair growth.
Nutrient destroyers: Absorption inhibited by caffeine , alcohol , raw egg white.
Deficiency symptoms : Hair loss , Dermatitis , muscle pain , depression , Poor appetite , poor fat metabolism .
Sources : Organ meats , nuts , brewer’s yeast , fish , egg yolk , whole grainsImportance : Red blood formation and DNA synthesis.
Nutrient destroyers: Absorption inhibited by caffeine , alcohol , sugar.
Deficiency symptoms: Hypertension , fatty liver and hemorrhaging kidneys.
Sources : Organ meats , dark green leafy vegetables , fruits , brewer’s yeast.Importance : DNA synthesis and RBCs formation . Aids in protein metabolism . Folic acid is Necessary for division and growth of body cells.
Nutrient destroyer : Absorption inhibited by stress , caffeine , alcohol , tobacco.
Deficiency symptoms : Disorders of reproductive organs, poor growth , anemia , poor memory , graying and loss of hair and gut disorders.
Sources : Whole grains , milk , meats , brewer’s yeast , nuts, citrus fruits.Importance : Essential for lecithin formation . Vital for hair growth . Metabolizes cholesterol and fats.
Nutrient destroyer : Absorption inhibited by sugar , caffeine , alcohol , tobacco.
Deficiency symptoms : Eczema , constipation , hair loss, igh blood cholesterol .
Sources : Whole grains , Liver , brewer’s yeast , kidney , molasses .Importance : Promotes health intestinal flora and folic acid production . It aids in breakdown and utilization of proteins. Involves in RBCs formation . Acts as a sunscreen .
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption inhibited by sugar , caffeine , alcohol , tobacco , sulfa and estrogen drugs.
Deficiency symptoms : Irritability , fatigue , depression , headache , nervousness , digestive disorders , constipation , graying hair.
Sources :Broccoli , alfalfa , green pepper , tomatoes , fruitsImportance : Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant . It is required for Collagen synthesis. Essential for tissue repair. Fights viruses and bacteria. Maintains vascular health . Enhances absorption of Iron .
Nutrient deficiency : Vitamin C absorption is inhibited by mineral oil , birth control pills , chlorine , rancid oils and fats.
Deficiency symptoms : Impaired digestion , nosebleeds , bleeding gums , slow healing of wounds and fractures.
Sources : Dairy , fruits , Sheep , Fish liver oil , liver , egg yolkImportance : Vitamin D helps to regulates Calcium and phosphorus absorption , an excretion blood calcium level and bone formation . Maintains stable nervous system and heart .
Nutrient destroyers : Vitamin D absorption is inhibited by mineral oil . \
Deficiency symptoms : Poor tooth and bone formation , weakening of teeth and bones , stunted growth , nervousness , lack of vigor and vitality .
Sources : Egg yolk , whole grains , wheat germ , seeds and nuts , leafy vegetables , soybeans , sunflower .Importance : Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and anticoagulant . It protects fat soluble vitamins . Essential in cellular respiration . Vitamin E improves circulation and skin and hair condition .
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption of Vitamin E is inhibited by stress , sugar , caffeine , alcohol , tobacco , antibiotics , fever , aspirin , cortisone drugs.
Deficiency symptoms : Poor circulation and muscle degeneration , anemia , dry , dull hair and skin .
Sources , Importance , Nutrient destroyers & deficiencies of Minerals .
Sources : Calcium fortified foods such as tofu , orange juice and soy milk , milk , yogurt , cheese , legumes , seeds , bones and bone soups .Importance : Bone and teeth formations and Maintenance . Assists in normal blood clotting , muscle action , heart and nerve function .
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption of Calcium is inhibited by stress , lack of exercise , deficiency of magnesium , Lack of HCL ( Hydrochloric acid ) , diuretics.
Deficiency symptoms : Brittle and softening of bones , Leg and back pain , insomnia , irritability , depression .
Sources : Cheese , meats , dark green leafy vegetables , brewer’s yeast , whole grains.
Importance : Glucose tolerance and carbohydrate metabolism . Chromium increases the effectiveness of insulin . Chromium helps to stimulates enzymes in energy metabolism.
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption of Chromium is inhibited by ageing. It’s level decreases as we age.
Deficiency symptoms : Atherosclerosis , Depressed growth rate , glucose intolerance in diabetics .
Sources : Mushrooms , blackstrap molasses , seafood , egg yolk , legumes , nuts , whole grains , organ meats.
Importance : Connective tissue and hemoglobin formation . Copper aids in absorption and transportation of iron . Copper works synergistically with Vitamin C to form elastin . Part of many enzymes.
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption of Copper is inhibited by excessive zinc.
Deficiency symptoms : Impaired respiration , skin sores and general weakness.
Sources : Sunflower seeds , blackstrap molasses , wheat germ , parsley , liver , eggs , red meat , raisins , apricots .Importance : Metabolism of protein . Helps in hemoglobin formation . Promotes growth , resistance to diseases , improve energy level and condition of teeth , nails , bones and skin
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption of Iron is inhibited by caffeine , excessive zinc or phosphorous .
Deficiency symptoms : Anemia , fatigue paleness , constipation , brittle nails , difficulty in breathing .
Sources : seaweed , Iodized salt , SeafoodImportance : Iodine is involved in generation of energy and basal metabolism . It is an important component of thyroxine , hormones . This hormone is necessary for the prevention of goiter . Iodine helps to contribute healthy skin , hair , nails & teeth.
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption of Iodine is inhibited by food processing.
Deficiency symptoms : Obesity , Goiter , Thyroid disorders , Irritability , nervousness , dry hair , cold hands and feet.
Sources : seafood , whole grains , legumes , green leafy vegetables , nuts
Importance : Magnesium acts as a catalyst in the utilization of Carbohydrates , proteins , fats , phosphorous , calcium and potassium . It is necessary for energy generation , muscle contraction , bones and teeth formation .
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption of Magnesium is inhibited by alcohol and diuretics.
Deficiency symptoms : Irritability , tremors , nervousness , depression , mental confusion .
Sources : whole grains , vegetables , nuts , fruits .
Importance : Manganese is involved in normal development of skeletal.It helps to maintain sex hormone production . Needed for synthesis of mucopolysaccharide for cartilage formation .
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption of Manganese is inhibited by excessive calcium and phosphorous.
Deficiency symptoms : Hearing loss , dizziness , convulsions.
Sources : Fruits ( especially bananas ) tubers , vegetables .Importance : Potassium helps to maintain cellular pH and fluid balance. Potassium is vital for muscle functions. It regulates heartbeat , kidney and nerve functions.
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption of Potassium is inhibited by sugar , caffeine , diuretics , laxatives , cortisone and alcohol.
Deficiency symptoms : Insomnia and general weakness , poor reflexes , nervous disorders , irregular pulse , constipation .
Sources : nuts , seeds , legumes , whole grains , cheese , milk , fish , meats , organ meats.
Importance : Phosphorous works synergistically with Calcium to build bones and teeth. It utilizes Fats , proteins & carbohydrates. Involved in muscle contraction and energy generation .
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption of Phosphorus is inhibited by sugar , excessive intake of iron , magnesium and aluminium .
Deficiency symptoms : Appetite loss , loss of weight , Irregular breathing , Nervous disorders and fatigue.
Sources : Germanium is found in all organic material of both animals and plant origin .Broccoli , garlic , celery , shitake mushrooms , milk , onions , rhubarb , ginseng and aloe vera.
Importance : Germanium improves cellular oxygenation . Fight pain and helps to keep the immune system functioning properly , helps to detox toxins .
Phosphorous works synergistically with Calcium to build bones and teeth. It utilizes Fats , proteins & carbohydrates. Involved in muscle contraction and energy generation .
Deficiency symptoms : Depression and mood disorders.
Sources : Brazil nuts , garlic , oysters , fish , organ meatsImportance : Selenium is an antioxidant that works with Vitamin E . Preserves elasticity of tissues. Helps protect the body from oxidative damage and free radicals.
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption of Selenium is inhibited food processing.
Deficiency symptoms : Loss of stamina , premature aging , impaired male sexual function .
Sources : Dark green leafy vegetables , soybeans , bell peppers , alfalfa , horsetail herb , whole grains .Importance : Necessary for connective tissue integrity such as tendons , cartilage and blood vessels. Strengthens teeth , bones , hair and nails.
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption of Selenium is inhibited in the refinement process of food.
Deficiency symptoms : Brittle nails , teeth , hair and bones.
Sources : fish , vegetables , whole grainsImportance : Vanadium helps to inhibits formation of cholesterol . Vital for bones , cartilage & tooth development.
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption of Vanadium is inhibited by tobacco . Take chromium and vanadium at different times.
Deficiency symptoms : Brittle nails , teeth , hair and bones.
Sources : Pumpkin seeds , vegetables , whole grains , oysters , clams , organ meats .Importance : Zinc is a component of insulin and male reproductive fluid. It aids digestion and metabolism of phosphorus. It enhances the healing process . Needed for DNA synthesis . Involved in contraction of muscles. Required for carbohydrates , alcohol and fatty acids metabolism .
Nutrient destroyers : Absorption of Zinc is inhibited by alcohol , excessive calcium and excessive sweating.
Deficiency symptoms : Delayed sexual maturity , retarted growth , poor wound healing , irregular menses , Taste & appetite loss , diabetes with white spots on fingernails.
At Sharrets Nutritions , your health is our priority . As a leading Health supplement company , we are committed to helping you live your best life by providing the top quality nutraceuticals . This commitment begins with quality designated dietary supplement formulations.