Prawn Dumpling Soup with MCT oil

Prawn Dumpling Soup with MCT oil 

Prawns is a favorite seafood for many people. They are low in fat and contains protein . The Prawn dumpling soup is clear and flavor comes from scallops, prawns, mushroom sauce & seaweed. There is no added salt or flavor enhancers in this exotic Prawn dumpling soup.

Prawn dumpling soup with MCT oil.

Serving Size - Two

Ingredients :

Ten medium size prawns, shelled and deveined
Eight small dried scallops, washed & soaked for at least Two hours in 500ml of water (tease out scallops to shreds)
Four teaspoon of Sharrets MCT oil (use Two teaspoonful for marinade)
One packet of dumpling skin
One packet of seaweed, cut into 3x8 cm strips
Tapioca paste (made with tapioca flour & water, to seal edges of dumplings)
Six leaves of ice berg lettuce, shredded

Ingredients to marinade prawns

Two tablespoon of low salt mushroom or vegetarian oyster sauce
Dash of pepper
Four teaspoon of wine or any cooking wine
Two teaspoon of Sharrets MCT oil 


Marinade prawns for Thirty minutes.
Boil and simmer scallops for Thirty minutes.
Roll each prawn with one piece of seaweed.
Place on wanton skin and seal with tapioca paste.
Add into boiling stock.
Dumplings are done when they float.
Stir in One to two teaspoonful of Sharrets MCT oil and turn off heat
Garnish with leaves of lettuce.