Spicy Salmon Otah with MCT oil

Spicy Salmon Otah with MCT oil

Spicy salmon otah with MCT oil

Salmon provides omega 3 fatty acids (from salmon) which is helpful for Cardiac health. Coloured veggies contain protective antioxidants.

The banana leaves provide flavor & fragrance without having to resort to flavor enhancers which are high in salt. High salt intake increases blood pressure. Beetroot has natural sweetness (no sugar required) and healthy antioxidants that fight off the ravages of free radical damage.

Serving Size -  Two

Ingredients :

One packet otah
Two banana leaves 20 x 20cm (blanched to soften)
Two salmon steaks (about 80 gram each)
One cooked beetroot, thinly sliced
One medium carrot, shredded
Eight cherry tomatoes
One bowl green & red lettuce leaves
One tablespoon tartare sauce
One tablespoon plain yoghurt
One tablespoon of Sharrets MCT oil
One wedge lemon

Method :

Cut otah into TWO pieces
Place salmon skin down on banana leaf
Top with otah and wrap into a parcel
Secure with cocktail sticks/ toothpick
Bake for Fifteen mins at 200 degrees
Arrange vegetables on plate
Place baked salmon and otah with banana leaf on centre of plate
Mix tartare sauce, yogurt and Sharrets MCT oil well and place mix onto plate
Squeeze lemon on fish
Use the extra veggies as side dish